Grips 1
Basic Drills 1
2 on 1 Takedown
Filipino Martial Arts: Billy Atwood
Demonstrating a flow drill.
Striking/block--Leg strike(angle6)--Umbrella block
Demonstrating a flow drill.
Striking/block--Leg strike(angle6)--Umbrella block
2 on 1 to Standing Bicep Cutter
Start with your opponent controlling your head with a single hand clinch type control. Focus on keeping your head up and neck stiff. Step into the controlling side of your opponent. Turn your hips and shoulders inward so that you start to face the same direction as your opponent. Shrug your shoulders to assist in removing the grip from your neck. Cross grip your opponents wrist. As you step behind your opponent and twist, snatch the hand from your neck. Your opposite hand waits under your opponents armpit to catch the arm and secure your 2 on 1. The underhooking arm makes a fist and you feed it up and thru the whole to cover your opponents wrist. Wrist control is very important. Next, bring your outside arm down on top of your own wrist while pulling your opponents hand towards his shoulder. |
Oma Plata
Hip Bump to Hip Bump.
Partner counters original hip bump by driving forward and trying to pin you back down. You then relax and reset hip bumping to the opposite side. Make sure to come up high and get off your elbow. Drive your hips up while reaching over your partners far shoulder. Tuck your partners elbow into your hip and twist hard at the end. |
Half-Guard Sweep: aka-Wrestler Sweep